Medication Assisted Treatment
The Drug Enforcement Administration seeks to make medication for opioid use disorder readily and safely available to anyone in the country who needs it. As Congressionally-mandated, medical practitioners have a new role to help patients fighting to sustain recovery and prevent opioid overdoses.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 enacted a new one-time, eight-hour training requirement for all DEA-registered practitioners, except veterinarians, on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.
Beginning on June 27, 2023, all DEA-registered and new medical practitioners are required to attest to completion of the training when renewing or completing an initial registration. Below is information on this new requirement.
DEA Administrator Anne Milgram’s Letter
Updated DEA Registration Certificate after Removal of X-Waiver (PDF)
Waiver Elimination (MAT Act) – SAMHSA
Buprenorphine Treatment for Substance Use Disorder Report
A new DEA-Commissioned report on buprenorphine looks at prescribing trends from 2018-2024. Less than half of patients suffering from opioid use disorder (OUD) have access to buprenorphine, a treatment option. From 2018 to 2024, the number of patients dispensed buprenorphine increased by 53%. Read the report (link). Research shows that the increase in total users was largely driven by longer-term users. Read the report.
DEA and HHS Joint Letter on Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
DEA's Diversion Control Division is pleased to post this joint letter from DEA and HHS supporting the expansion of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). DEA and HHS support the expansion of MOUD especially in rural or underserved areas. DEA is asking its registrants to ensure an adequate and uninterrupted supply of MOUD products when appropriately prescribed and asks distributors to examine any quantitative thresholds they established to ensure that individuals with OUD are able to access buprenorphine. Expanding access to MOUD is one more way to assist patients with OUD during the Opioid Public Health Emergency.
Registration Requirements
DEA Administrator Anne Milgram's Statement on MATE Act Requirement (PDF)
MATE Act Training Requirements Questions & Answers
MATE Act Training Requirements (Video) (June 2023)
As Congressionally-mandated, medical practitioners have a new role to help patients fighting to sustain recovery and prevent opioid overdoses. All medical registrants submitting a new or renewing a current registration must attest to completing an eight-hour training to treat patients overcoming opioid and other substance use disorders.
Registration Instructions (PDF)
Requirements for training for Medication Assisted Treatment as part of the MATE Act (PDF) (March 27, 2023)
DEA Announces Important Change to Registration Requirement (PDF) (January 12, 2023)
Guidance / Questions and Answers
Please visit SAMHSA for additional information:
For information regarding DEA’s Diversion Control Division, contact the Diversion Control Division Policy Section at if you seek additional assistance regarding this or any other matter.